Alongside our Equisense Inside partner, we developed a user friendly tool to provide amateurs and professional riders with helpful indicators. This technology has two goals: better understand your horse and analyze your performance.

Riders can consult their data in real time, receive monthly reports and are able to share sessions with other people. The device located in the saddle is connected via Bluetooth to the free Equisense Inside app available on iOS and Android.


With the help of the Equisense Inside app, you will be able to anticipate lameness issues, analyze each of your training as well as tailor your riding sessions to the weekly activity report insight.

Horses are athletes and deserve their training to be closely looked at, just like any sportsman wanting to perform better. Performance is in the details.


Ratio left hand right hand
Time spent at each gait
Course analysis


ꝏ Analyze your trainings

ꝏ Anticipate injuries

ꝏ Structure your session

ꝏ Follow your progress

ꝏ Understand your horse


It's important to have the LED light on the device facing towards the cantle of the saddle.

Once you have downloaded the Equisense Inside app, make sure to turn your bluetooth on. The goal here is to pair your Equisense device with your phone. Back in the Equisense app, you will go to 'sensors' and add a new sensor. *Ensure your Equisense device is charged as well (you should see a green light on the device when shaking it - if there is no light, just plug the device in and let it charge up until you see the green light)

Every indicator in the app has a question mark next to it that will explain in details what it tracks and how to read results. The rider is able to sign up for weekly or monthly reports directly from the app that will gather all of the information on all of the indicators.

You can add as many horses as you need in the app through the button 'add a new horse'. Each horse will have its own profile where you'll be able to see data and add photos, comments and such when needed. *If you have multiple horses in the app, make sure you pair your device with your phone after riding and assign the correct horse to the session you just finished.

The sensor is motion activated, which means that as long as the sensor is charged, it will start recording data as soon as you horse starts moving, and automatically stop recording once the horse has not been in motion for a couple of minutes. You also do not need to be riding with your phone in your pocket as all of the data is stored into the device. However, to use the GPS function, you will need to manually start and stop your session and keep your phone with you while riding. Simply open up the app and press 'start session'.

You will find over 300 exercices in the Equisense app. From jump exercices, to pole work, stretching, flat work and dressage, everything is covered. You can tailor these exercices to the data the app has gathered for you to help improve your performance.

You can reach our customer service for the Equisense Inside app and device at equisenseUSA@voltairedesign.com
